Why we wrote Bold Encounters

Because the air is so thin between small talk and business talk.

Because a good conversation makes us awake and happy - like a good meal.

Because life is too short - and the list of things unknown so long.

Why we wrote this book

1. More cool people should rock the world.

2. Power has a bad reputation.

3. People under 1. often follow 2.


Lebe Deine Macht is coming out in June 2020!


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What others are saying

Sylvia Löhken and Tom Peters master the art of making it easy to understand how to communicate effectively. They focus on everyday interaction. This is where good advice is needed most often. With "Bold Encounters" is how they masterfully manage this advice.
Norbert Brugger
Dezernent, Association of Cities Baden-Württemberg

This wise book will help many people to appreciate the meaning of the spoken word again. A little jewel!
Stéphane Etrillard
Expert for personal sovereignty and entrepreneurial sovereignty

Sylvia Löhken and Tom Peters are masters of appreciative communication. Their new book is easy to read, especially because of their real-life examples. At the same time, it offers depth and new insights that inspire people to playfully try out new things in conversations - and get in touch with people differently.
Dr. Jutta Gatter
Agile Coach, Human Resources Manager at Freudenberg Sealing Technologies

Sylvia Löhken and Tom Peters approach the question of how to shape conversations in the sense of personal encounters from different, very exciting perspectives: How do you manage to find both the time and the opportunity for personal encounters in an age of speed and digitalisation? How do you deal with inner hurdles, such as more vulnerability, or the perceived lack of energy and time for a personal conversation? At the centre of all these considerations, there is always the question of togetherness - and not the instrumentalization of conversation "to convince" or "to sell something". That makes this book different and special.
Dipl.-Psych. Tanja Guggenbichler
Head of Personnel Development, Vienna University of Economics and Business

Löhken & Peters take their readers on a highly exciting journey of discovery: How does conversation work, how do words and gestures work, how do I act and what do I communicate in relationships? Clever observations, well-founded facts, sharp analyses and careful exercises make reading an experience that has a lasting effect and can change the way relationships are formed.
Dr. Eva Kalbheim
Psychiatrist, Coach and Author, Bonn

A book that gives great food for thought. I became aware that the desire for true conversations often suffers because of all the superficial input and output. I will dare an experiment!
Prof. Dr. Maria Kristina Parr
Institute for Pharmaceutical Chemistry, FU Berlin

The most important insight for me: A good conversation depends on a change of perspective! The authors share this insight with highly philosophical and scientific findings as well as with memorable anecdotes - an entertaining introduction to an exciting topic!
Andreas Stickler
Head of Strategy and Consulting, GFS Fundraising Solutions GmbH

Yes, conversation can make you happy. You just have to know how. This book surprises with lots of illuminating information and inspiring impulses!
Prof. Dr. Bettina Uhlig
Institute for Fine Arts and Art Studies, University of Hildesheim

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